***************** Suzaku Help Question List (v070718)************************ Your name: Mr. Taro Suzaku Your institute: RIKEN Your title: Graduated student, Master Cource 2nd year ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can this question be made public? [Yes/No; default Yes]: Yes Secret idea included? [Yes/No]: No Additional information: Nothing in particular. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis environment: Linux kernel 2.6.12-1.1381_FC3 gcc version 3.4.4 20050721 (Red Hat 3.4.4-2) HEADAS version 6.0.6 Favorite Target; if possible: Obs ID: 100005010 Obs date: 2005 Aug 19 3:30 -- 2005 Aug 20 9:50 (UT) Target Name: Cen A Process Version: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question [Free format]: It looks funny in the X-ray spectral model, which is not power spectral shape, even if I put a power spectrum model. Is this OK? *****************************************************************************